We provide a comprehensive diagnostic assessment, what means we identify the specific needs of the client and his or her family and prepare a full written biopsychosocial with treatment recommendations. The assessment consists of 1 to 2 face-to-face appointments. The focus of the assessment process is in obtaining a biopsychosocial and substance abuse history that includes functioning in all aspects of the client’s life. Furthermore we explore the reasons the client is seeking treatment. Our staff uses Motivational interviewing to engage the client and break down treatment interfering barriers to increase readiness for change. The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) is also used during the intake assessment process. The ASI is a semi-structured interview designed to address seven potential problem areas in substance-abusing patients: medical status, employment and support, drug use, alcohol use, legal status, family/social status and psychiatric status. A toxicology urine drug screen is also part of the assessment process. This is used as a way to corroborate what is reported by the client. Upon completion of the assessment process, a comprehensive report, summarizing the diagnoses and recommendations is prepared and presented to the client and court if needed.
MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE DRIVERS LICENSE ASSESSMENTS If your driver's license has been revoked due to one or more operating under the influence convictions, the Michigan Secretary of State (DLAD) will require that you submit a substance abuse evaluation conducted by a qualified evaluator before a hearing will be set. There is no substitute for professionalism and experience when it comes to your DLAD Substance Abuse Evaluation. You are offered one opportunity per year to Request a Hearing - make sure your evaluation is done correctly. Know your date of sobriety and have 12 months of clean time.
Providing and preparing the required substance abuse evaluation as formatted by the state.
Providing a copy of the Addiction Severity Index report and score.
On-site collection of the 10-panel drug screen with all integrity variables.
An understanding of what information is relevant to the appeal and what is not.
Information of your Lifetime Conviction History. Please bring a copy of your Driving Record and Non-Driving Offenses.
If you have previously applied for reinstatement and got denied, please bring a copy of the denial letter.
Verification of completion of any treatment, as well as proof of attendance at any support groups.
Verification of any prescription medications.
as well as obtaining collateral information from other significant sources.